Aerospace / Quality Management

Critiware’s solutions support decisions such as, planning quality assurance activities in order to attain specified quality goals while minimizing the monetary risk and/or the delivery time; predicting the best time to release the products, and assessing the external software suppliers performing better or worse than others, against internally defined quality objectives.

Critiware’s framework implements three key platforms with advanced algorithms for:

  • Measurement and Estimation: to monitor/gauge processes/activities by well-known as well as newly defined key performance indicators (KPI) for quality and productivity
  • Prediction: implementing models to foresee quality-cost-time trends over time; these provide figures about future trends as consequence of a given decision, enabling a quantitative comparison among contrasting options.
  • Resource optimization: strategies to optimally distribute efforts for quality assurance activities, given some user-specified constraints (e.g., a maximum budget) and the desired objectives to maximize or minimize (e.g., maximize the expected software quality while minimizing the cost of quality assurance activities).

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