About Us
Critiware is a start-up ICT company providing services and tools to support the engineering of critical computer systems
Critiware members are engineers with PhD in computer and systems engineering with advanced skills on dependable computing and critical software infrastructure.
The Critiware Engineers have years of the sector in experience.
Delivered tools and services are the result of yearly strict research collaborations with leading industries operating in the fields of avionics, transportation, automotive, and civil infrastructures.

Critiware provides services and products to support design, V&V, and maintenance of critical software systems, such as avionic and naval transportation, power and water supply infrastructures, automotive and environment monitoring.
These systems are extremely complex because of the number of components and interactions among them, which raise new dependability challenges.
These systems are extremely complex because of the number of components and interactions among them, which raise new dependability challenges.
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+39 081 0106622
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Via Carlo Poerio 89/A