Mobile OSs

The Android mobile platform has become widespread, and today dominates the global smartphone market. However, assuring the quality of Android devices is a challenge for smartphone manufacturers, since Android has become significantly complex and feature-rich, as vendors upgrade and customize the Android platform at a fast pace to distinguish their products from their competitors. To achieve reliability, manufacturers require automated and effective reliability evaluation technologies and methodologies. Critiware has partnered with Huawei Technologies to address the risks for the Android OS that can arise from buggy or malicious applications and defective hardware. We developed novel solutions for fault injection and stress testing of the Android OS, with the goal of enhancing responsiveness and robustness of Android devices despite faults. Critiware is also involved in a Huawei’s project which aims is to find an approach to systematically measure and evaluate software aging issues and provide software rejuvenation solutions on Huawei Android-based products. The mainly involved components for software-related reliability measure and evaluation include:

  • Memory management
  • File system
  • Android framework
  • Java virtual machine

Look at our Solutions for the Mobile OSs Domain:

  • Testing Support

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